Monday, July 2, 2012

2 : 216 . Cancelled .

Bismillah .
12 Syaaban 1433 .

2 : 216 .
'Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ianya amat baik bagimu , dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ianya amat buruk bagimu , sesungguhnya Allah amat mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui .'

It shot me 3 days ago . Zupp .

Supposely , now I should be at the Bengaluru International Airport . We ( my housemates and I ) had booked tickets to New Delhi on this morning . We got one week sweaty holidays . But , I have something to be settled . Something which is really really important , so I have to cancel my ticket to that wonderful place . 950 rupees ( 950 rupees divide by 17 , you will get the amount in RM ) for each cancellation . Two tickets which are from Bangalore to New Delhi and New Delhi back to Bangalore blithely cancelled . 950 rupees time two , lost . 

Why ? 
My heart feels uneasy . 
My heart keeps telling me , please don't go . 

I have a BIG thing to be settled before the end of my holidays .
Mungkin kita rasa apa yang terdetik dalam hati kita itulah yang terbaik , tapi ingatlah Allah mampu mengubah hati kita , minta padaNya agar tetapkan hati kita . Kita mampu mengubah rasa dan fikiran kita , tetapi adakah itu berlandaskan panduanNya ?