Sunday, June 3, 2012

17 : 37 .

Note : Credit to housemates .
13 Rejab 1433 . 0206 .
Bismillah , assalamualaikum . 

Quick review on what I've been through since 01/05/2012 until 31/05/2012 .

Diarrhea .
My stomach still can't adapt with Indian style of cooking and surrounding . I got diarrhea for almost 1 weeks ! I was admitted to the hospital for half day ( don't worry , just half day only  ) due to severe abdominal pain , acute fever and want-to-vomit feeling . I was injected by an IV and an antibiotic to kill the microbes present and unfortunately have to skip my first day lectures . I miss home . I miss Malaysia . I miss my family . :(

Braces .
If you already have your wisdom tooth , say congrats to yourself as it can cure many diseases if you have one . Wisdom teeth are actually the third molars which usually emerge in the mouth by late teens or early twenties . .Your wisdom tooth has stem cell . Stem cell can be harvested from the wisdom tooth which can regenerate damaged bones , cornea , cardiac muscles and etc ( I forgot to bookmark the webpage relating the diseases which can be cured , sorry . :( ) ( below ) The fact about the wisdom tooth . Hebat kan Allah :) Sweet .

"Groundbreaking research back in 2006 revealed that inducing the activity of four genes in adult cells could "reprogram" them back into a stem-cell-like state; biologically, these induced-pluripotent stem cells are virtually identical to embryonic stem cells, opening up a new potential avenue for stem-cell therapy whereby patients could be treated with their own stem cells."

Oh ha , I'm wearing braces now due to the two angular wisdom tooth at my lower jaw and thus making my teeth a little bit crowded . I DON'T want to extract out my wisdom tooth , so I've to wear the gigibesi , end .   

Thank you . 

Ehem . 17 : 37 . Kita berjalan atas ciptaan siapa ? Allah , kan ? Jadi , sentiasalah tajdid niat bagi setiap langkahan kita menuju ke mana-mana pun , sebabnya niat kita mudah 'terbabas' kerana bisikan syaitan . Ingatlah , jangan berjalan di atas bumi dengan perasaan bangga diri dengan kelayakan atau kehebatan diri kita . Sewaktu kita terlalu berbangga diri itulah yang akan menjatuhkan kita . Percayalah . 

Enjoy this picture . :)
7 Cadavers , Dissection Hall , International Medical School , Bangalore , India .  
My journey has just begin . 

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